At St Joseph's Catholic Primary School students engage in a range of robust learning experiences and opportunities in accordance with the Australian Curriculum. Multiple opportunities are provided for each student to develop knowledge, skills and understanding as clearly outlined within the Australian Curriculum through developmentally appropriate and differentiated rich learning experiences.
School Curriculum Overview
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School provides learning from BCE Religious Education and the P-10 Australian Curriculum in the following areas:
| Taught across Prep - Year 6
| Taught across Prep - Year 6
| Taught across Prep - Year 6
| Taught across Prep - Year 6
| Taught across Prep - Year 6
The Arts
| Taught across Prep - Year 6 These subject areas are taught by specialist teachers
| |
LOTE (Languages Other Than English) Wakka Wakka
| Taught across Prep - Year 6 This subject is taught by a specialist teacher
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School's organisation of the curriculum reflects ACARA's emphasis on the priority development of literacy and numeracy foundations through English and Mathematics and across the curriculum. This is continued in middle and upper primary while also emphasising a broader education through planning across all curriculum areas. This emphasis can be found in year level timetables and through Brisbane Catholic Education's time allocations.

© Brisbane Catholice Education (2022)