St Joseph's Catholic Primary School assesses student learning using the Australian Curriculum achievement standards. In the Australian Curriculum, achievement standards describe what students are typically able to understand and able to do. They describe expected achievement at each year level or band of years. Across Prep to Year 10, the set of achievement standards describe a broad sequence of learning.
The sequence of achievement standards within each learning area emphasises the depth of conceptual understanding, the sophistication of skills and the ability to apply essential knowledge expected of students. (Shape of the Australian Curriculum, v5.0, June 2020, 64-65)
When teachers plan, teach and assess, they:

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph’s School Murgon (2023).
When teachers make judgments about the evidence in student learning, they use the following:

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph’s School Murgon (2023).
At (St Joseph's Catholic Primary School Murgon, we report to parents twice yearly – at the end Semester 1 (end of Term 2) and end of Semester 2 (end of Term 4) using the 5-point scale, Well Above to Well Below.
We provide parents/guardians with opportunities to meet with teachers via phone or face to face meetings twice yearly in Terms 1 and 3.
There is a minimum of two reporting cycles over the course of an academic year and at least two opportunities for parent teacher interviews.
Term 1 - A 15-minute - Parent Teacher interview to review student progress and behaviour. Interview is recorded in Engage or on personalised learning plan if appropriate for future reference.
Term 2 (End of Term 2) - Semester 1 Report, sent to parents via the Parent Portal.
Term 3 - A 15-minute - Parent Teacher interview to review student progress and behaviour. Interview is recorded in Engage or on personalised learning plan if appropriate for future reference.
Term 4 (End of Term 4) - Semester 2 Report, sent to parents via the Parent Portal.
Parents and teachers may call for additional meetings throughout the year as needed. Sometimes, these meetings take the form of Student Support Team Meetings that include our Support Teacher Inclusive Education and Guidance Counsellor.